Do you want to improve the quality of your fence? get in touch with Austin Fence Company. Our company provides quality work at an affordable price whether you wish to replace your existing fence or build a new one.
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Whether you require structural rehabilitation or want a new decorative feature added to your property we can help provide the solution you require.
If a property owner is interested in fencing their building in Austin tx, there are several ordinances that must be followed. Among these are fence heights and length land development code, electrical requirements, and city code. In addition to these, there are rules and regulations that must be followed by each company engaged in erecting a new fence.
Consult Our Fence Company
are you looking for a fence contractor to install wood fences, chain link fencing, metal, vinyl or aluminium fences in your yard site, pool enclosure or pool yard? call us today to schedule a consultation and to answer any questions you might have. If you are wondering if you need a fence construction permit, there are some common misconceptions about city limits regulations.
During the consultation, our team will discuss the regulation to ensure that we only do what is permitted by law. Our experienced estimator will assess all the options with you and confirm before any work begins.
The City of Austin Building Code
There are a number of things to consider when erecting a fence in Austin. For starters, It is important to understand the laws contained within the city of Austin building code. Following the inspection, the city will issue a final inspection certificate before construction commences. It ensures sure your fence is in compliance with the city of Austin laws, safety measures and incorporates aesthetics that enhance the surrounding area.
This city code contains numerous rules that are designed to ensure that a fence company operates within the confines of the law and that municipal laws and regulations are strictly adhered to. Once all of the necessary paperwork has been gathered and your project begins, it becomes your responsibility to make sure that the fencing is in accordance with Austin tx city regulations.
As a homeowner, you should have an effective way to alert city inspectors that a fence needs to be replaced or will need repair work soon. It is also important to note that some restrictions do apply even if you live in an HOA.
How high can my fence be in Austin, Texas?
There are many variables to consider when determining how high your fencing can be in Austin. The city’s general rule is that a solid fence or wall constructed on the property’s boundary lines may not exceed an average height of 6 feet or a maximum height of 7 feet at any point. If you require a self-closing fence that is higher than the stipulated height you must obtain a permit from the city’s Planning and Development Review Department.
If you’re looking for a fence company to inspect your fencing, or just need more information on fencing in Austin, give us a call. We’ve been a top-rated fence company in the Austin area for many years, and we look forward to helping you with any of your fence building/ construction plans.
Do I need a permit to build a fence in Austin TX?
Before you begin building your fence, be sure to check for permit requirements and restrictions within state boundaries. without the right information, you may face fines or penalties. There is a specific zoning board ordinance that may or may not exempt you from needing a permit, but if the fence height is 6 feet tall or less, a building permit is not required. It all depends! check with your fencing company.
Providing you with safety and security is our top priority. Give us a call for any questions, or to schedule an inspection with one of our customer service representatives today!
Our current fencing inspection service areas include: